

The most important and primary objective of Darulyathama is to provide quality education to the children of this institute. They are sent to good teaching institutes and their academic performance is regularly watched. Private tutors are engaged to coach...

Deeni Taalim

All the boys and girls are imparted religious knowledge regularly. Senior boys have special classes on Sundays. They are grouped according to their age and taught their respective syllabus...

Summer Vacation Courses

The students of middle and higher classes are kept busy with courses like Spoken English, computers, Tailoring, Fashion designing, and other activities during summer holidays...

Sports and Games

Physical activities by way of sports and games is as necessary as formal education in children’s life. The playground in the midst of the boys’ building provides ample space for outdoor games like football, cricket, ball badminton. Indoor games like carrom...

Health and Hygiene

Individual medical records are maintained to monitor the health aspect of the boarders. Medical facilities in the vicinity are available through Jafferia Institute of Social Medicine, Get well hospital and mother and child clinic of Dr. Baquer Razvi...

Photo Identity Cards and Bank Accounts

All the boarders are provided with identity cards showing the minimum basic information of the individuals. Bank accounts have been opened for each of the boarder...

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