
Behamdolillah! Darul Yathama has Ijaza for receiving Khums from the revered and respected Ayatulla Sestani and Ayatullah Khamanaie.

Our donors are exempted from payment of income tax under section 80CC and 12A of the Income Tax Act.

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Your donations can be sent either in cash or kind to Darul Yathama office all through the week in person or can also be deposited in the Darul Yathama accounts in the below mentioned banks.

1. Darul Yathama, NoorKhan Bazaar, A/C # SB: 52078412689 State Bank of India, City Branch, Nayapul, Hyderabad, Telangana, India. And IFSC SBIN0020073.

2. Darul Yathama, Noor Khan Bazar, A/C # SB 1033316395 Central Bank of India, Noorkhan Bazar, Hyderabad Telangana, India.IFSC CBIN0282407.

Darul Yathama does not have permission to receive donations directly in cash from NRI donors due to not having FCRA permission.

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