In the Name of Allah - the Beneficent & the Merciful

"They ask you (O Muhammad) about the orphans. Say to improve their lot is best. And if you mingle your affairs with them then (they are) your brothers. Allah knows him who spoils from him who improves."

Surah Baqarah, Verse 220

One act of charity will teach us more of the love of Allah than a thousand sermons.

  • When the intention is to provide help to the orphan and destitute children it would find greater substance of meaning and would surely bringforth rewards in spiritual and worldly values beyond ones imagination.


Parents and their children are nature’s gift to each other. Children who have their parents are the most blessed ones. But all are not so lucky. There are a large number of children who have lost one or both the parents. The most unfortunate are indeed those who have no caring members in their family and they are abandoned to their fate. The care of such orphans and destitute children is a social and religious duty of the society which cannot afford to remain as a mute spectator. In an effort to fill this void the pioneers of this orphanage have shown to be aware of the miserable plight and they also displayed a strong will to take measures which would meet the needs of such children on a long term basis. They had vision to provide them the best care and comfort, food, education and health with equal emphases on morals and religious awareness. Darul Yathama helps them realize their dreams and shows them the way to success in this world and hereafter. Darul Yathama as a team, assumes the role of a guide, a councilor, a planner and more so as a friend to help them to achieve their goals. This orphanage is engaged in this noble cause for more than eighty five years.

About Darul Yathama

Registered under Society No. 4/1953, Dated 19th February 1353, Fasli

Way back in 1930s the under privileged persons of Shia community were reeling under the throes of poverty and privation. Their children lacked access to the basic necessities of life like food, shelter and education. The absence of any supportive agency for these deprived lot made the matters worse for them and their future looked bleak. Their abject poverty and illiteracy deeply moved late Mir Sadaq Ali Saheb whose initiative of establishing an orphanage was supported by some philanthropists and nobles of the community who pooled their time, energy and resources and brought this institution into existence in the year 1932.

Late nawab Salarjung Bahadur and other nobles like Late Mehdijung Bahadur, late Moulana Mirza Bahadur Ali Saheb and many other visioneries joined together in this noble cause.

By the grace of Allah (swt) and blessings of the infallible Fourteen (a.s.) this orphanage is engaged in the service of the orphans and destitute children in a befitting manner for more than 85 years and has helped hundreds of them to settle down in life with decent living and made them individuals, conscious of the values of life, morals and religion.

Government Supervision

The Government of Telangana has registered this orphanage under registration numbers HYD/2215/2018/259/F for boys and HYD/2215/2018/260/F for girls. The Department of Women and Child Welfare monitors the activities from time to time with frequent visits and meetings. They are appreciative of the management of Darul Yathama for its overall maintenance, supervision and care of the boarders.

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