Tasks completed since 2007

A critical review of the situation prevalent in the later part of 2007 was made and priorities were fixed for dealing with them in order of urgency. The end result after completion of these works emerged in the following achievements.

Renovation of the Boys' Building

The area in use by the boys consisted of two dormitories, a dining hall and a prayer room, the entire area is encircled by corridors all around. The inside of the building was wearing out profusely on the walls...

Construction of Girls' Wing

The existing girls’ building over an area of 500 sq.yards was very fragile and in collapsible condition. It needed dismantling completely. Behamdolillah, a beginning was made in this effort also on 15th Aug. 2008 with meager funds...

Renovation of the Western Wing of Darulyathama

This portion was in use by Jawadia School for almost 40 years which had provided the basic educational support to the boys and girls for this orphanage with dedication. After closure of this school in April 2011 the entire portion was taken over for massive repairs and renovations...

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